How to apply for business visa in Nepal | Immigration



Nepal being a naturally gifted nation provides heaps of opportunities for foreign and domestic business. Tourism sector undoubtedly tops the list but there are other scopes for investment as well, such as handicrafts, herbal products, hydropower, etc.

If you’re looking for an investment opportunity in Nepal, obtaining a Business Visa (for foreigners) is mandatory; one cannot run any sort of business in Nepal without securing a validated Visa from the Department of Immigration. However, Indian citizens are not obligated for the same; they are allowed to run a business without the Visa.

The Department of Immigration is solely responsible for issuing, regulating and renewing of Business Visa in Nepal. The Immigration Act, 1992 and Immigration Rules, 1994 are the main Laws prevailing over Business Visa in Nepal. As Pursuant to Section 3 of the Immigration Act, a foreigner is not allowed to enter/reside in Nepal without a valid passport and a visa.

Eligibility for Business Visa:

1. Foreigners with approval to make investment in trade/business or industry sector in Nepal.

2. Foreigners with authorization letter to engage in export trade from Nepal with investment required.

3. Foreigners visiting Nepal from third countries to purchase Nepalese goods for export or secure a purchase order for the same.

Provision of Business visa for investors and businessmen/women investing and undertaking business in Nepal.  Visa is issued by DOI upon receipt of following documents from applicant.

  • Online Application
  • Recommendation letter from Department of Industry or concerned line agency of Government
  • Bio Data  ( for first time applicants)
  • Foreign Investment Acceptance letter from the Department of Industry
  • Copy of Company Registration Certificate
  • Copy of PAN/VAT certificate
  • Copy of Share certificate
  • Copy of Industry Registration Certificate
  • Copy of Passport and latest visa
  • Latest tax clearance (regular visa)
  • Industry Monitoring and Supervision report
  • Progress report of company or industry (for renewal)

The Business Visa is for investors and business oriented personnel wishing to undertake business in Nepal. A Recommendation Letter from the Department of Industry or from any concerned line agency of Government of Nepal is to be attained before applying for Business Visa. The Recommendation Letter plays a vital role whilst issuance of Visa for Foreign Nationals by the Department of Immigration.

Trilegal handles the process from start to finish with a very open line of communication with clients and has very reputed and long history with dealing with expats from all over the world. Our team has an excellent command over both verbal and written english. We make sure clients always feel secure that their work will be processed with transparency from the begining to the end. 

Business visa for nepal

Image source ( Department of immigration nepal )


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